Sondra Haywood

Sondra is a Rhode Island School of Design Graduate, Art Instructor (40+ years) throughout Westchester County, and an Ossining Arts Council Board Member.  She started her own foundation, Art for Heart Foundation in Ossining, New York (1996-2004) Founder / Contributing Artist, where she coordinated art shows, to support “Gift of Life,” a national organization of organ transplant recipients and their families with the goal of providing needed information and education,  to help people understand the importance of organ and tissue donation & their financial needs.

She was involved in the Ports of Art Program, which was created to provide opportunities for artists to display their work in an open venue to increase the general public’s awareness of the beauty and necessity of art,  and, most importantly, to fund Foundation Aire Fresco activities and programs for children in Puerto Vallarta and around the world 'Ports of Art' – Puerto Vallarta and New York  Administrator General  (2008- Present)).

Sondra has also been involved in many arts education programs for school extension programs, senior centers, art centers and recreation departments throughout Westchester County.


Miriam Haas


Laya Joseph