A Beautiful Day at Cedar Lane!

The Sun Shone On Water Lilies on Hudson

Paint a picture! Artists, painting and drawing, taking a break to chat, eat sandwiches, and have a cool drink on a hot summer day. The sun sparkling on Cedar Lane Pond and water lilies in full bloom after a rainy week that threatened to cancel the event. A rustic peasant in a red hat and a fine lady, complete with parasol, sitting nearby, both lost in reverie.

Last Saturday’s Water Lilies on Hudson was a small gathering, but artists came from as far away as Dobbs Ferry. All enjoyed the opportunity to work en plein air from live models in a relaxed and inspired atmosphere. Thanks to all who made the day a success, especially Miriam Haas, Tom and Peg Tarnowski, Beatrice Dimartino, Keith Gordon, Dennis Kirby, Brenna Burrows and the Ossining Recreation Department staff.

We look forward to next year’s Water Lilies on Hudson - start planning your 19th Century costume now!


AI, AI, Oh!


Waterlilies on Hudson